Uploading Artwork to Magnet Printer:
reason why our prices are low is that we keep our bandwidth use to a
minimum. We also like to review all files prior to submitting them to
print to ensure that the artwork is print ready. We review files for
free and we also send you new artwork or logos if we can find them.
So if you file is under 8MB, you may email it to us: FullColorPrintings@gmail.com.
For larger files, please send them to one of the emails above through www.YouSendIt.com.
If these will not work for you, we can set you up on one of our FTP uploads.
If you would like to speak with us, our phone numbers are 216.458.0604 and 216.227.8521.
We're here to make your life as simple as possible and your printings as cost effective as possible.
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